Brian Styskal

My passion for fishing started about forty years ago on a small seasonal creek in Ellensburg Washington with my grandfather who was a devout flyfisher. My early memories of fishing with him involved fishing off horseback in the yakima river for trout. I realized later on it was his way to look after his grandson and get some fishing in at the same time. It was a brilliant plan on his part and I am quite sure he hoped his love of fishing might rub off on me. 

Looking forward forty years from that time I can say I had the best teacher from age 5 that anybody could ask for. I truly cant remember not having a rod in my hand since the age of five. Maybe there were some times when fishing took a back seat, girls, cars, football, baseball? But then not really, I have always been drawn to rivers and more importantly "water". I always seem to be standing in water. I am not sure in todays world if thats a good thing or not and honestly I could care less its where I am comfortable and its where I find peice in my life.

My involvement with Nextcast started many years ago at a speyclave in Carnation Wa, on the banks of the Snoqualmie river in 2005. I cast a prototype line and I never looked back again, never wanted to cast another line other then Simons lines. There were many good lines at the time but his lines fit my casting style perfectly. What sealed the deal is I soon realised that a good line was not good enough for him, and there is no such thing as the perfect line, there is always room for improvement within a line design because the speycast is always evolving and hopefully always will evolve.

Winter 2013, Nexcast now has the full spectrum of speylines. from 35' heads to 70' heads and also intermediate heads for the scandinavian market. And a line we call the "WINTER". The Winter is a casters dream, just enough taper to make touch and go casting enjoyable with sinktips and heavy flies and a length that will be the next step for those that have learned on the ultra short Skagit heads that seem to flood the market these days. As far as a Bio goes I would rather talk about our products and my excitement towards new products then sit here and talk about myself, its always been about the team. And I will say we now have one of the most diverse and talented teams in the world representing nexcast products, I am very proud to be a part of that. 

P.S. Brian is a well-known casting instructor and fishing guide in Northwest of United States. Here is his contact.
