Perry Wilson

Perry started his Guiding career for Salmon and Steelhead on the North end of Vancouver Island over 3 decades ago in British Columbia's fish filled waters , Guiding and fishing on some of the best water B.C. has to offer .
During this time the advantage of the two handed rod was obvious and the quest for perfection began . This has led Perry down many paths such as being a long time Rep for RB Meiser fly rods and developing his own unique casting style .
Performing Casting clinics and teaching Anglers and casters alike has formed many life long friendship's over that time with some of the best people in the Industry passing on their time and knowledge
Finding a line that can fish as well as it casts is a rarity and this has led Perry to Nextcast , whether fishing the short sticks or casting a long line for competition Perry is very proud to be invited to the Team
